Table 3-1. Sysfem Messages (continued)
Message Cause
Corrective Action
Read fault
Requested sec
tor not found
Faulty diskette, diskette
drive subsystem, or
hard-disk drive sub
system {defective
system board)
Replace the diskette or hard
disk drive. If the problem
persists, replace the system
board. See Chapter 12, "Get
ting Help," for instructions on
obtaining technical assistance.
Reset failed
Improperly connected
diskette drive, hard-disk
drive, or power cable
Check the diskette drive inter
face cable and power cable
connections to the diskette
drive. See Chapter 9, "Install
ing the Diskette and CD-ROM
Drives." Replace the diskette
drive interface cable. Reinstall
the hard-disk drive. Check the
interface cable and power
cable connections to the back
plane board. See Chapter 10,
"Installing Hard-Disk Drives."
ROM bad check
sum = address
Expansion card improp
erly installed or faulty
Reinstall the expansion cards
(see Chapter 8, "Installing Sys
tem Board Options"). If the
problem persists, replace the
expansion card.
Sector not
Defective sectors on dis
kette or hard-disk drive
Replace the diskette or hard
disk drive.
Seek error Defective sectors on dis
kette or hard-disk drive
Replace the diskette or hard
disk drive.
Seek operation
Faulty diskette or hard
disk drive
Replace the diskette or hard
disk drive.
Defective battery Replace the battery. See
Chapter 8, "Installing System
Board Options."
clock stopped
Defective battery or
faulty chip (defective
system board)
Replace the battery. See
Chapter 8, "Installing System
Board Options." If the prob
lem persists, replace the
system board. See Chapter 12,
"Getting Help," for instruc
tions on obtaining technical
NOTE: For the full name of an abbreviation or acronym used in this table, see the abbreviation and
acronym list that precedes the Index
Messages and Codes 3-7