BMW Roadside Assistance
The BMW Roadside Assistance Program
reflects BMW’s commitment to your
complete satisfaction with the BMW
ownership experience.
It’s available for U.S. version BMWs in all
50 states, Canada, and Puerto Rico 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year.
It’s a valuable benefit provided to you at no
additional cost. (Subject to certain limitations and
exclusions noted on page 11).
The BMW Roadside Assistance Program is not a
warranty and does not affect your rights under
the New Vehicle Limited Warranty.
Services provided by a third-party business
BMW Roadside Assistance
Smartphone Application
The free BMW Roadside Assistance Smartphone
app dispatches fast, reliable service to your
BMW. For more details and to download the app
for your iPhone姞, BlackBerry姞, Android™ or
Windows Mobile姞 Smartphone, visit
Owner’s Eligibility
You are covered if your vehicle is:
䉯 A new BMW automobile, distributed by
BMW NA, and purchased at an authorized
BMW center, OR;
䉯 A new BMW automobile, purchased under the
BMW NA European Delivery Plan, OR;
䉯 A new, U.S. version, BMW automobile
purchased under the Diplomatic or Military
Sales programs, operated in any of the
50 states, Canada and Puerto Rico.
The vehicle itself is covered when driven by any
authorized driver.
New BMWs — Protection is provided for
4 years/unlimited miles. NOTE: This does not
affect warranty coverage which remains at
4 years/50,000 miles.
Certified Pre-Owned BMWs — 6 years/unlimited
miles from the original in-service date.
Getting Started
For your convenience, a decal showing Roadside
Assistance information has been affixed on the
driver’s side of the windshield and in the rear
compartment area.
Calling For Assistance
The toll-free BMW Roadside Assistance number
(1 800 332-4269) is answered by a BMW
Roadside Assistance service representative. In
order for you to receive quick and reliable
services, it is essential that you provide detailed
and accurate information to the service
Be prepared to give:
䉯 Your name
䉯 Your complete Vehicle Identification Number
(found on your vehicle registration, or on the
bottom driver’s side of your windshield)
䉯 Model description of your vehicle
䉯 License plate number of your vehicle
䉯 Vehicle location (including nearby crossroads/
intersections, highway mile markers, street
numbers, landmarks, etc.)
䉯 Location you are calling from (including a
telephone number where you can be reached).
If you are calling from a public phone, wait
there for the return call. Do not leave this
location without informing the Roadside
Assistance service representative.
䉯 A description of your vehicle’s problem.
Specific and accurate information will enable
the Roadside Assistance service
representative to provide the proper help.
Note: If you are using the free BMW Roadside
Assistance Smartphone app, the information
above is not required.