USA Sales: T 800.221.3516 F 888.791.9188
International Sales: T +1 631.590.1040 F +1 631.218.3285
irst introduced in January 2005, the Samsung CLP-
510 series of printers is based on a 25ppm
black/6ppm, 600DPi color Samsung print engine.
The 510 machines are an enhanced version of the CLP-
500 machines which are 21ppm black/5ppm color.
Unlike the CLP-500 cartridges, chips are used to shut
the cartridges down after toner low is reached. In fact,
the chips will shut the cartridge down when the max
page count is reached regardless of the amount of toner
left. If you were to take a starter/low yield cartridge and
put in the high yield load of toner, it will shut down at
2,000 pages anyway. To convert a starter/LY cartridge
to a high yield, you must either convert the chip with a
special reset box, or replace the chip. Reset boxes are
now available that can reset the OEM chips, convert LY
to HY, and also convert Samsung to Xerox and visa
There are seven user replaceable cartridges in these
machines, 4 toner cartridges, a drum unit, Transfer unit
and the waste container. The drum and waste collector
will be covered in a future article. The toner cartridges
are all installed through the left cover (with the display in
front of you). The drum unit and transfer belt are
installed through the top cover, and the waste container
is installed through the front cover.
Each cartridge has its own slot. From top to bottom, they
are: Black, Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan. Note that unlike
the CLP-500 based cartridges, the back tabs are the
same for each color cartridge. The chips identify the
correct cartridge. See Figure 1
As with the CLP-500 machines, the instructions/
sequence on how to replace the toner cartridges are
listed on the printer. These instructions must be followed
in sequence, or the gear train of the printer will be
damaged. Trust me…
The machines that use these cartridges are as follows:
Samsung CLP-510
Samsung CLP-510N
Xerox Phaser 6100
Remanufacturing the Samsung
CLP-510 / Xerox Phaser 6100 Black
and Color Toner Cartridges
The Samsung
Figure 1