ZyWALL USG 20/20W User’s Guide
Service Set IDentity, See SSID. 249, 251
service subscription status 215
services 561, 799
and firewall 386
and port triggering 306
subscription 212
where used 104
Session Initiation Protocol, see SIP
session limits 376, 386
sessions 186
sessions usage 169, 173
SHA1 416
shell script
troubleshooting 737
shell scripts 693
and users 553
downloading 703
editing 702
how applied 694
managing 702
not stopping or starting the ZyWALL 35
syntax 694
uploading 704
shutdown 35, 725
signal quality 194, 195
SIM card 244
Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP)
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, see SMTP 522
Simple Network Management Protocol, see
Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT, see STUN
SIP 352, 358
ALG 351
and firewall 353
and R
TP 358
media inactivity timeout 356
signaling inactivity timeout 356
signaling port 356
SMTP 522
smurf attack 481
SNAT 309
troubleshooting 731
SNMP 670, 671
agents 671
and address groups 674
and address objects 674
and zones 674
Get 671
GetNext 672
Manager 671
managers 671
MIB 671, 672
network components 671
Set 672
Trap 672
traps 672
versions 670
Source Network Address Translation, see SNAT
spam 521
specifications 741
device 741
feature 742
hardware 741
spillover (for load balancing) 291
spyware 499
SSH 661
and address groups
and address obje
cts 665
and certificates 664
and zones 665
client requirements 663
encryption methods 663
for secure Telnet 665
how connection is established 662
versions 663
with Linux 666
with Microsoft Windows 665
SSID 249, 251
SSL 427, 432, 645
access policy 427
and AAA 579
and AD 579
and LDAP 579
certificates 438
client 449
client virtual desktop logo 434
computer names 432
connection monitor 198
full tunnel mode 432
global setting 433
IP pool 432
network list 432
remote user login 438
remote user logout 444