ZyWALL USG 20/20W User’s Guide
tutorials 107
UDP 561
decoder 475, 483
decoy portscan 480
distributed portscan 480
flood attack 483
messages 561
port numbers 562
portscan 479
portsweep 480
u-encoding attack 484
UltraVNC 616
undersize-len attack 485
undersize-offset attack 485
unreachables (ICMP) 480
unsafe web pages 498
unsolicited commercial e-mail 521
firmware 700
licenses 215
configuration files 700
firmware 700
shell scripts 702
CPU 169, 171
flash 169
memory 169, 172
onboard flash 169
sessions 169, 173
user accounts
for WLAN 147, 541
user authentication 539
external 540
local user database 57
user awareness 541
User Datagram Protocol, see UDP
user group objects 539
user groups 539, 541
and content filtering 487
and firewall 386, 389
and policy routes 303, 304, 462, 464
configuration overview 104
user name
rules 542
user objects 539
user portal
links 615
logo 434
see SSL user screens 437, 443
user sessions, see sessions
user SSL screens 437, 443
access methods 437
bookmarks 444
certificates 438
login 438
logout 444
required information 438
system requirements 438
User’s Guide 27
user-aware 120
users 539
access, see also access users
admin (type) 539
admin, see also admin users
and AAA servers 540
and authentication method objects 540
and content filtering 487
and firewall 386, 389
and LDAP 54
and policy routes 303, 304, 462, 464
and RADIUS 540
and service control 645
and shell scripts 553
attributes for Ext-User 540
attributes for LDAP 553
attributes for RADIUS 553
attributes in AAA servers 553
configuration overview 104
currently logged in 169, 175
default lease time 549, 551
default reauthentication time 549, 551
default type for Ext-User 540
ext-group-user (type) 540
Ext-User (type) 540
ext-user (type) 540
groups, see user groups
Guest (type) 540
lease time 544
limited-admin (type) 540