ZyWALL USG 20/20W User’s Guide
configuration overview 105
content filtering 200
daily 680
daily e-mail 680
specifications 186
traffic statistics 183
reset 738
vs reboot 723
RESET button 34, 738
1058 (RIP) 314
1389 (RIP) 314
1587 (OSPF areas) 316
1631 (NAT) 309
1889 (RTP) 358
2131 (DHCP) 286
2132 (DHCP) 286
2328 (OSPF) 315
2402 (AH) 399, 421
2406 (ESP) 399, 421
2510 (Certificate Management Protocol or
CMP) 597
2516 (PPPoE) 288
2637 (PPTP) 288
2890 (GRE) 288
3261 (SIP) 358
RIP 314
and Ethernet interfaces 223
and OSPF 314
and static routes 314
and to-ZyWALL firewall 314
authentication 314
direction 224
redistribute 314
broadcasting methods 224
versions 224
vs OSPF 313
Rivest, Shamir and Adleman public-key
algorithm (RSA) 596
round robin 295
troubleshooting 731
Routing Information Protocol, see RIP
routing protocols 313
and authentication algorithms 325
and Ethernet interfaces 222
RSA 596, 600, 607
RTP 358
see also ALG 358
RTS (Request To Send) 806
threshold 805, 807
safety warnings 8
SCEP (Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol)
troubleshooting 735
schedules 567
and content filtering 487, 488
and current date/time 567
and firewall 371, 386, 462, 464
and policy routes 304, 462, 464
one-time 567
recurring 567
types of 567
where used 104
screen resolution 43
SecuExtender 449
Secure Hash Algorithm, see SHA1
Secure Socket Layer, see SSL
security associations, see IPSec
security settings
troubleshooting 728
self-directory-traversal attack 484
self-referential directories 484
sensitivity level 474
serial number 168
service control 129, 644
and to-ZyWALL firewall 644
and users 645
limitations 644
timeouts 645
service groups 562
and firewall 386
and port triggering 306
where used 104
service objects
and firew
all 562
and IP protocols 562
and policy routes 562
service set 254