supplier server then replays these modifications on the replicas stored on replica servers or on
other masters, in the case of multi-master replication.
character type
Distinguishes alphabetic characters from numeric or other characters and the mapping of
upper-case to lower-case letters.
cipherte xt
Encrypted information that cannot be read by anyone without the proper key to decrypt the
cla ss definition
Specifies the information needed to create an instance of a particular object and determines
how the object works in relation to other objects in the directory.
cla ss of service
See CoS.
cla ssic CoS
A classic CoS identifies the template entry by both its DN and the value of one of the target
entry's attributes.
See LDAP client.
code page
An internal table used by a locale in the context of the internationalization plug-in that the
operating system uses to relate keyboard keys to character font screen displays.
colla tion order
Provides language and cultural-specific information about how the characters of a given
language are to be sorted. This information might include the sequence of letters in the
alphabet or how to compare letters with accents to letters without accents.
Server containing replicated directory trees or subtrees from a supplier server.
consumer server
In the context of replication, a server that holds a replica that is copied from a different server is
called a consumer for that replica.
A method for sharing attributes between entries in a way that is invisible to applications.
CoS definit ion entry
Identifies the type of CoS you are using. It is stored as an LDAP subentry below the branch it
CoS templa te e ntry
Contains a list of the shared attribute values.
See Also template entry.