Generic Security Services. The generic access protocol that is the native way for UNIX-based
systems to access and authenticate Kerberos services; also supports session encryption.
A name for a machine in the form machine.domain.dom, which is translated into an IP address.
For example, www.exam is the machine www in the subdomain exam ple and com
Hypertext Markup Language. The formatting language used for documents on the World Wide
Web. HTML files are plain text files with formatting codes that tell browsers such as the Mozilla
Firefox how to display text, position graphics, and form items and to display links to other pages.
Hypertext T ransfer Protocol. The method for exchanging information between HTT P servers
and clients.
An abbreviation for the HTT P daemon or service, a program that serves information using the
HTT P protocol. The daemon or service is often called an httpd.
A secure version of HTTP, implemented using the Secure Sockets Layer, SSL.
In the context of replication, a server that holds a replica that is copied from a different server,
and, in turn, replicates it to a third server.
See Also cascading replication.
ID list scan limit
A size limit which is globally applied to any indexed search operation. When the size of an
individual ID list reaches this limit, the server replaces that ID list with an all IDs token.
index key
Each index that the directory uses is composed of a table of index keys and matching entry ID
indirect CoS
An indirect CoS identifies the template entry using the value of one of the target entry's
international index
Speeds up searches for information in international directories.
International Standards Organizat ion
See ISO.
IP a ddress
Also Internet Protocol address. A set of numbers, separated by dots, that specifies the actual