All IDs Threshold
Replaced with the ID list scan limit in Directory Server version 7.1. A size limit which is globally
applied to every index key managed by the server. When the size of an individual ID list
reaches this limit, the server replaces that ID list with an All IDs token.
See Also ID list scan limit.
All IDs token
A mechanism which causes the server to assume that all directory entries match the index key.
In effect, the All IDs token causes the server to behave as if no index was available for the
search request.
anonymous acce ss
When granted, allows anyone to access directory information without providing credentials, and
regardless of the conditions of the bind.
approximat e index
Allows for efficient approximate or "sounds-like" searches.
attribut e
Holds descriptive information about an entry. Attributes have a label and a value. Each attribute
also follows a standard syntax for the type of information that can be stored as the attribute
attribut e list
A list of required and optional attributes for a given entry type or object class.
authenticating directory server
In pass-through authentication (PTA), the authenticating Directory Server is the Directory
Server that contains the authentication credentials of the requesting client. T he PTA-enabled
host sends PTA requests it receives from clients to the host.
(1) Process of proving the identity of the client user to the Directory Server. Users must provide
a bind DN and either the corresponding password or certificate in order to be granted access to
the directory. Directory Server allows the user to perform functions or access files and
directories based on the permissions granted to that user by the directory administrator.
(2) Allows a client to make sure they are connected to a secure server, preventing another
computer from impersonating the server or attempting to appear secure when it is not.
authentication certifica te
Digital file that is not transferable and not forgeable and is issued by a third party.
Authentication certificates are sent from server to client or client to server in order to verify and
authenticate the other party.
base distinguished name
See base DN.
base DN
Base distinguished name. A search operation is performed on the base DN, the DN of the entry
and all entries below it in the directory tree.