ns-slapd archive2db -D configDir -a archiveDir
Table A.3. archive2db Options
Option Description
-D configDir Specifies the location of the server configuration
directory that contains the configuration
information for the index creation process. This
must be the full path to the configuration directory,
-a archiveDir Specifies the archive directory.
A.6. Utilities for Restoring and Backing up Databases: db2archive
Backs up all databases to the archives.
Synta x
ns-slapd db2archive -D configDir -a archiveDir
Table A.4 . db2 archive Options
Option Description
-D configDir Specifies the location of the server configuration
directory that contains the configuration
information for the index creation process. This
must be the full path to the configuration directory,
-a archiveDir Specifies the archive directory.
A.7. Utilities for Creating and Regenerating Indexes: db2index
Creates and regenerates indexes.
Synta x
ns-slapd db2index -D configDir [ -d debugLevel ] -n backendName -t
attributeName[:indexTypes{:matchingRules}] [ -T vlvTag ]