Leica IP C
TRAY LOAD Controls the movement of the lifting table of the
automated unload station (optional)
Place a stack of trays (39) onto the lifting table of
the unload station (Fig. 48).
Any number of trays between 1 and 10 can be
inserted, as the printer counts the trays when
they are inserted.
Once the lifting table has reached its upper limit
position, the LED in the button starts blinking.
Press and hold TRAY LOAD longer than 1 sec:
• The tray stackmovescompletely intothe
unload station, the LED in the button goes off,
the printer switches to ONLINE mode.
• Pendingprintjobswillbecarriedout.
When the stack of trays has moved into the
unload station completely or partly:
Press TRAY LOAD briefly
• Thestackoftraysmovesupbyonetray.
If TRAY LOAD is pressed and held longer than
one second:
• Thestackoftrays moves completely outof
the unload station, the LED in the button starts
flashing. Any print job in progress is interrupted.
If your printer is not equipped with
an automated unload station, no
function is assigned to this button!
Fig. 48
• Theimprintedcassettesarepushedoutofthe
printer and onto the uppermost tray.
• Attherightendofthetraythereisasensor
(66), which triggers a signal when covered
(Fig. 49). The tray stack is then moved upwards
by one tray.
• Oncealltraysarefull,theinstrumentemitsan
acoustic signal (beep), the LED in the TRAY
LOAD button starts blinking, the stack of trays
can be removed.
Fig. 49
5. Operation
Be careful about getting near the sen-
sor (66). Any object getting closer than
2 mm to the sensor will trigger a lifting
Every time the printer is switched on,
the stack of trays automatically moves
one tray up, to ensure that the new
print job is started with an empty tray.