1. 2 Originals Prohibited from Duplication
It may be illegal to duplicate or copy certain types of originals and you may be punished by local or
regional laws, if copies are made of these types of originals.
Please be aware of your local or regional laws and which originals they forbid you to duplicate.
Some Examples:
[Originals prohibited from copying by the law(s)]
1. Do not copy Currency (Bill, Money, Bank Note, etc.), Government issued Negotiable
Instruments (National Bonds, Security, Local Debt Bonds, etc.).
2. Do not copy Foreign Currency or Foreign Negotiable Instruments.
3. Do not copy unused postal stamps or government postcards without permission to
make replica from said Governments.
4. Do not copy Government issued revenue stamps, certificate stamps that are
prescribed by Liquor Tax Act or the Commodity Tax Act.
[Special items which require your attention]
1. The government issues warnings if you are to copy private issued securities (stock certificate,
draft, check, goods ticket, etc.), commutation ticket or book of tickets, excluding that some
specific company copies such originals as many as it requires for its own business.
2. We recommend you not copy originals as government issued passports, public or
private issued licenses, automobile inspection certification, ID and tickets passes or meals.
[Originals protected by the copyright]
It is prohibited to copy originals such as books, music, paintings, printed copies, maps, drawings,
movie posters and pictures which are protected by the copyright laws.
Please see your local or regional laws.