CommandsAppendix —A
48 PK80 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual
ESC{CF?} — Configuration
This returns information about configurable options.
Query F ormat
Reply Format
Reply Example
S CF! ThisisareplytoaConfigurationquery.
S L:LP; The default mode is Line Printer.
S B:096; The bau d rate is 9600.
S P:N; Noparityisset.
S N:8; There are 8 data bits.
S H:B; Hardware and software handshaking are enabled.
S S:Y; The sound is on.
S T:0060 The timeout is set for 60 seconds.
S R:0600 The radio timeout is set for 600 seconds.
Query Reply Definition of Reply
L LP, EZ Default mode:
Line Printer (LP) or Easy Print (EZ)
B 012, 024, 048,
096, 192, 384
Baud Rate:
1200 (012), 2400 (024), 4800 (048), 9600 (096), 19.2K
(192), or 38.4 baud (384)
P N, E, O Parity:
None (N), Even (E), or Odd (O)
N 7, 8 Number of Data Bits: 7 or 8
H N, H, S, B Handshaking:
None (N), Hardware (H), Software (S), or Both (B)
S Y, N Beeper (Sound):
Yes (Y) or No (N)
T nnnn Timeout value in seconds (9999 = always on)
R nnnn Radio timeout value in seconds. Values of 0 or 65535 dis-
ables the radio timeou t . Other valid values are 1–65534.