CommandsAppendix —A
46 PK80 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual
Query Commands
Note: Any time ESC is used in a command, the command needs to con-
tain the actual ASCII character for ESC (0x1B), not the letters E-S-C.
included in the documentation for readability.
Queries can be sent to the PK80 Printer via the Bluetooth or the RS-232
data link. The printer’s reply to a query returns information about the
printer or the print r equest. There are three steps involved:
1 Frame your query using the correct command format.
2 Send the Query (for example, via an applications program or a terminal
emulator such as “Terminal” in the Windows Accessories group).
3 Use the appropriate table to interpret the printer’s reply.
Interpreting the Reply to a Query
Consult the table for each Query command to interpret the reply. Each
reply contains several pairs of letters. The first letter or “query character” is
separated from the reply character by a colon (:) and the pair is f ollowed
by a semicolon (;). Example: E:N; (part of the r e ply to a STATUS query).
According to the STATUS table, the E refers to “errors“ in Easy Print
Commands. An N means “no errors.”
Quick Reference
Command Format Description
Status ESC{ST?} Returns information about the printer’s ability to print
the next re port, and reports any errors from the last
print requ e s t, su ch as paper condition, command errors,
buffer size, or battery voltage.
Configuration ESC{CF?} Returns information about configuration options, such
as baud rate, default mode, time-ou t, etc.
Version ESC{VR?} Returns th e version number of the loaded firmware,
boot code, and download files.
Memory ESC{MY?} Retu rns the s i ze of all memory available — the amount
used and the amount remaining for the application.
Print Head ESC{PH?} Returnstheprintheadtypeinuseandthenumberof
dots across.
Fonts ESC{FN?} Returns a list of available fonts.
Note: The order of the printer’s reply to a query may change, and new
queries will be added. Therefore, search f or the “Query character” to find
data whenever interpreting the reply to a query.