Testing the Cutter
Diagnostics allow the function of the option to be tested by executing and displaying a count of cutting
attempts. Follow the steps below to perform a functional test of the Cutter:
1) Press the MENU Key on the printer’s front panel.
2) Using the DOWN ARROW Key, scroll to DIAGNOSTICS then press the ENTER Key.
3) Using the DOWN ARROW Key, scroll to OPTIONS TESTING then press the ENTER Key.
4) Using the DOWN ARROW Key, scroll to TEST CUTTER then press the ENTER Key.
5) Using the DOWN ARROW Key or the UP ARROW Key, select the number of test cycles (1, 10, or
100 times) to perform.
6) Press the ENTER Key to begin the test.
Note: Press the CANCEL Key to terminate testing and return to operating mode.
Follow the guide below if a problem arises:
If experiencing this problem… Try this possible solution:
Cannot load media through the cutter: The mechanism may be in an intermediate position – with
the cutter closed, turn the Power Switch ON and OFF; and
then, try to load media.
Cut labels are not the correct size: The label size may not be correctly set in your software
program (or in the printer’s menu system) – change your
software settings (and / or the printer’s label size settings,
see the “Operator’s Manual for details).
Cutter Fault is displayed: The Cutter Cable may not be connected – connect the
Cutter Cable to the Hinge Plate Jack.
No cuts are made:
The Cutter Cable may not be connected – connect the
Cutter Cable to the Hinge Plate Jack.
The Cutter may not be enabled in your software
program (or in the printer’s menu system) – change
your software settings (and / or enable the cutter in
the menu, see the “Configuring the Printer,” above).