Owner’s Guide & Installation Instructions
23 / English
Installation Instructions
The water pressure must be between 15-145 psi (1-10 bar) for the
proper operation of this washer. 1 bar corresponds to more than 2.1
gallons (8 liters) per minute flow rate with a fully open faucet. Water
inlet hoses and valves should withstand a water pressure of 145
psi (10 bar) at maximum. If the pressure is higher than 145 psi, a
pressure-reducing valve must be installed before the water inlet. If the
water pressure is lower than 15 psi (1 bar), water fill time may extend
or water inlet valve may shut off completely.
•Hot water supply temperature must not exceed 140˚F (60˚C). (Ideally
120˚F (48˚C))
• Donotconnectthewashertoanunpressurizedwaterboilersince
water pressure may not be adequate for proper operation.
• Donotremovethefilterslocatedonthewatersupplyhoses(on
faucet/hose and hose/inlet valve connections).
• Alwaysusegenuine“Blomberg”watersupplyhoseswhen
connecting with this product. Old or worn-out hoses must not be
reused. It is not advised to extend inlet or drain hoses, if necessary
consult your dealer or technical service about hose extensions.
• Hotandcoldwaterfaucetsmustalwaysbeeasilyaccessibletothe
• Attheendofawashingday,turnoffwaterfaucetstopreventany
leakage or water damage that may occur due to a faulty condition
of the appliance.
• Checktheapplianceandinlethoseconnectionsforwaterleakage
after each use. If there is leakage, turn off the appliance and water
faucets and call service.
• Checkthewaterinletanddrainhoseconnectionsregularlyforany
leakage. Hoses should be replaced every 5 years.
• Ifthereisnohotwatersupply,hotwatervalvemustbeconnected
to a cold water faucet nevertheless. Both water valves should be
connected to water supply for proper operation of your washer.