W h en t h e workin g cy cle h as fini s hed, the buzzer o f t h e di s hw a she r wi ll s o u nd for 8 secon d s, th en s t op . Tu r n o ff
t he a ppli ance usi ng th e O N/O FF butto n, sh ut off t he wa ter s upp ly and op en the d oor of t he di shw ashe r.
Wait for a f ew m inutes bef ore unlo adin g th e dis hw asher to a void ha ndlin g th e dishes and ut ensils wh ile th ey
are still h ot a nd m ore susc eptible to br eak age. The y w ill als o d ry bet ter.
Switch Off the Dishwasher
The p ro gram light is on but is not blinkin g, on ly in th is case the program me h as e nded.
1.Sw itch off the dishwa sher by p re ssing the O N/OFF but to n.
2.Turn off the water tap!
Open the door carefully.
Hot di shes are sensi tive to kn ocks. The dishes should t herefore be a llowed to cool down around 15 minut es
before removing from the appliance.
Open t he d ishwasher 's door, leave it ajar and wait a f ew minut es before r emoving t he dishes. I n this way they
will be cooler and the drying will b e im proved .
Unloading the dishwasher
It i s norm al t hat t he dishwashe r is wet inside.
Empty the low er ba sket first a nd then the upper on e. T his w ill avoid water dripping from t he upper Basket on to
the dishes in the low er one.
If you open the door , the machine will pause. The program light w ill
stop blinking and the buzzer will mooing every minute unless you close the door . After
you c lose t he doo r ,the m achin e will ke ep o n w orki ng af te r 10 sec on ds.
dur ing a wash cycle
Premis e:
A cycl e that is un derway ca n on ly be mod ified if i t ha s on ly been r unning fo r a s hor t time. O therw is e, the
de tergent m ay hav e a lread y be en re lea sed, and the ap pliance m ay have alre ady dr ain ed the wash water.
If t his is t he case , th e detergent disp enser mu st be refil led (see the sec tio n ent it led " Loading the
Det ergent " ).
Ope n t he do or ,p re ss the Prog ram b utt on , the mach ine w ill be in st andb y s tate,
the n yo u ca n ch ange the p rogram t o the d esired cyc le settin g (see the s ection en titled " St arting a
wash cycle. . . " ) .
more than 3 secon ds
A forgotten dish can be added any time before the detergent cup opens.
Add forgotten dishes.
Close the door
After the spray arms stop working, you can open the door
Open th e door a little .
The dishwasher will run after 10 seconds.
Wa sh th e ar ms in s oapy and w arm wa ter a nd u se a sof t br ush t o
clean thejets. Replace them afterrinsing them thoroughly.
When following this procedure from step1 to step 3, the filter system will be removed;
when following it from Step 3 to Step 1, the f ilter system will be installed.
It is d ange ro u s to ope n th e door w hen was hi ng , be c aus e the hot wat e r ma y scald y ou .