Dil ID: 9
Dil Adı: germany
Dil Kodu: de1tayfun Produkte der Marke Gorenje
Dünyanın En Büyük
Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

Cutlery with wooden, horn china or
mother -of-pearl handle s
Plast ic items that ar e n ot h eat resis tant
Older cutl ery w ith glued parts t hat a re n ot
temperature resistant
Bonded c utlery i te ms or dishes
Pewter or coop er ite ms
Crystal gl ass
Steel items s ubject t o rust ing
Wooden pl atte rs
Items made fromsynthetic fibres
So me ty pes of gl as ses c an b ecome
dull aft er a large number of was hes
Silv er an d a l um inum p arts ha ve a
tendency to discolourduring washing
Glazed patterns may fade if machine
washed frequent ly
Are not suitable
Are of limited suitability
Dishes and items of cutlery must not lie inside one another, or cover each other.
To av oid d amage to gl asse s, th ey m us t not touc h.
Lo ad large i tems w hic h are most difficul t to c lea n in to the l ower bask et.
The u pper bas ket i s de signed to ho ld m ore deli cate and li ght er d ishware such as gl as ses , coffee
andtea cups
Lo ng bladed k nives st ored in a n uprigh t po sition are a p otenti al haza rd!
Lo ng and/or sharp items o f cutle ry such as carvi ng kniv es must be positi oned
h orizon ta ll y i n the upper b asket.
P lease do not ove rload yo ur dishw asher. T his is imp ort ant for g oo d r esults a nd fo r
r easonab le co nsumption o f en ergy.
Load h oll ow i tems suc h as cup s, gl asse s, pans etc. With the opening f ac ing downwa rds so that
w a t er c ann o t c o ll ec t i n the c ont a i n e r or a de ep ba se.
Consider buying utensils which are identified as dishwasher-proof.
Use a mild detergentthatis described as 'kind to dishes'. If necessary, seek further
information from the detergent manufacturers.
For particular items, select a program with as low a temperature as possible.
To prev en t da mage, do not t ake gla ss and cutle ry out of the di shw ashe r i mmed iatel y
aft er t he pr ogr amm e has e nde d.
(For b est per formance of the di shwasher, fol low t hese load ing gu ide li nes.
Featu res and appear ance of baske ts and cutl ery ba sket s m ay vary from y our mod el.)
Scrape off any larg e a mounts o f le ft over foo d. Sof ten remnan ts of b urnt food i n pa ns.
It i s no t necessary to r inse t he d ishes u nder running water.
Pl ac e obje cts in the dishwa sher in fol lowing way:
1.Items su ch a s cups, g lasses, po ts /pans, e tc. a re f aced dow nw ards.
2.Curved i tems, or ones wit h reces ses, sh ould be loade d a slant s o th at w ater can run off.
3.All u tens ils are st acked secur ely and can not ti p ov er.
4.All u tens ils are placed in t he way t hat the spr ay arms can rotat e fr eely d urin g wa shin g.
Ve ry sm all it ems s houl d n ot b e w ashed i n the di shwasher as they could eas ily fal l out of the basket.
To pre ven t wa ter drip ping f rom the uppe r ba sket i nto t he lower baske t, we rec omme nd tha t you
empty the lower ba sk et f irst an d t he n t he upp er ba sket.