Connect Systems Inc. - Model 9800 Page 31
Important: The 9800 displays all DTMF digits on the internal display
as they are decoded. The DTMF digits * and # are shown as a '| ' and
'||'. If the 9800 is set for pulse dialout (1.8. set to 0) the
display shows the phone number currently being outpulsed rather than
the incoming DTMF.
DIALING A CALL MANUALLY: From the mobile press *, then enter the
access code (if any) that was selected on line 1.4. or, enter the
secret toll override access code that was set on line 1.5. If the
access delay on line 1.9. is properly set, you will hear dialtone or
CW ID start without clipping or delay. In VOX or sampling modes wait
until the dialtone drops off before you start to dial. In duplex mode
you may begin dialing as soon as you hear the dial tone. After
dialing, the next thing heard will either be ringing or a busy signal.
If 2.9. is enabled, the 9800 will automatically disconnect if the
number that was called is busy.
******************** 9800-EXP ONLY ------------------->
must be set to 1 to allow second dialtone dialing. The procedure is a
bit different for Tone and Pulse dialing.
Pulse dial: If 1.8. is set to 0 (pulse dial) a second dialtone is
dialed by preceding the number intended for the second dialtone
with *. This causes the 9800 to wait until the second dialtone
appears and to then automatically continue dialing. Example: You
need to call 555 3456 after dialing an 8 for long distance. Simply
dial 8 * 555 3456 as a complete sequence immediately following the
drop of first dialtone. The 9800 will then pulse dial the 8 and
wait until the second dialtone is detected and then continue the
555 3456 portion. A beep is heard about every six seconds while
waiting for the second
dialtone which lets you know the 9800 is still actively processing
your call.
Tone dial: If 1.8. is set to 1 (tone dialing) Dial the first
portion plus a * after the first dialtone drops. Wait until the
second dialtone is heard and drops and then dial the remaining
portion. Example; You need to call 555 3456 after dialing an 8 for
long distance. Simply dial 8* after the first dialtone drops and
555 3456 after the second dialtone drops. A beep is heard about
every six seconds while waiting for the second dialtone.
Note: Third or more dialtones can also be accommodated by simply
adding a * after each group requiring a wait for another dialtone.
Do not append a * on the final group or you will be forever waiting
for another dialtone.
<------------------- 9800-EXP ONLY ********************