Wholesale Calls Product Handbook v4.1
British Telecommunications plc Page 3 of 47
March 2009
2.5 Order Access
It is the CP’s responsibility to register and gain a D-U-N-S Number from Dun and
Bradstreet before any orders will be accepted through the e-trading channels. BTW
will require this to be available at the start of the Service Establishment process.
Orders for the Wholesale Calls product may be made through the portal on
BTWholesale.com. This will allow CPs to place orders and receive order notification
files via the portal.
2.6 Changes and Updates to the Wholesale Calls Product
2.6.1 Wholesale Briefings
CPs will be notified on of any changes that affect BT Wholesale Calls. These
are automatically distributed to anyone registered on BT Wholesale.com.
Prior to service, the CP will ensure that all required recipients of notifications
are registered.
2.6.2 Ad Hoc Updates
BT Wholesale will inform the CP of any product or service changes or
enhancements on an ad hoc basis via the BTW Account Team.
2.7 Select Services
Select Services are a function of the access network used to provide the telephony
service. Some of these services will have charges associated with making a call. The
Line Provider will be billed directly for the use of the Select Service at the BT rate, to
enable them to onward bill their End User.
For further information on additional services and charges refer to the Openreach
Price List:
2.8 Operator Connected Calls
Operator connected call facilities will be allowed where a Wholesale Calls service
exists. However, please note that calls placed via an operator have 2 cost
components, a facilities fee for setting up the call, and the charge for the call. Both
components of these calls will be charged directly to the Line Provider for onward
billing to the End User.
Please refer to the published Billing User Guide for further information:
2.9 BTW Wholesale Fixed Line Text
This service is designed to enable EUs with landlines to take advantage of the
benefits of sending and receiving text messages not only to mobile phone users but
also to other landline users.
A unique text to speech translation facility means that SMS messages can be
listened to rather than read by people who do not have a SMS enabled home phone.
There is no need to apply for this service as it will be automatically available on
wholesale lines - subject to line type. BT Text was designed to be used only on single