Wholesale Calls Product Handbook v4.1
British Telecommunications plc Page 2 of 47
March 2009
2.1 Eligibility
In order to be eligible for the Wholesale Calls service, the CP must be a provider of a
Public Electronic Communications Network (PECN) or a provider of Public Electronic
Communication Services (PECS).
2.2 Service Establishment
Provision of the Calls Service by BT is subject to the successful completion of the
Service Establishment process.
Service Establishment includes both the set up of the Customer for access to the
online Portal (which is the interface for the provision and management of Wholesale
Calls Line Independent orders), as well as the set up of the Calls Charges tariff which
has been agreed.
Training on how to use the Portal is available if required, on request.
Service Establishment is normally completed within 14 days after both the
acceptance by BT of the Order Form and the receipt from the Customer of all
required documentation fully completed. Please note that completion of Service
Establishment within 14 days is dependent upon DEDS access already being in
place. If you do not have DEDS access, please speak to your Wholesale Calls
Account Manager and they will work with you to arrange access.
BT will advise the Customer of the estimated time for the completion of Service
Establishment and will notify the Customer when this has been completed.
2.3 BTW Billing
BTW will make available every day including weekends and public holidays, unpriced
CDR files 6 times per day and the rated billing CDR files once per day on the Data
Exchange and Distribution Server (DEDS). The CP will be issued with a User-id and
Password as part of the Wholesale Calls Service Establishment process, allowing
access to a private directory area on DEDS where the files will be stored. It is the
responsibility of the CP to collect these files and transfer them to their own site using
the File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
Full detail of the billing services is available in the Billing User Guide:
2.4 Customer Service
Please refer to the Customer Service Plan for a list of contacts and services: