Wholesale Calls Product Handbook v4.1
British Telecommunications plc Page 1 of 47
March 2009
Wholesale Calls (WC) is a Communications Provider (CP) product, where BT
Wholesale (BTW) supplies an end-to-end calls only telephony service to CPs for
them in turn to offer a service to their End Users.
The service is available in two variants: Wholesale Calls Line Independent (WCLI)
detailed in this handbook, and Wholesale Calls Line Associated (WCLA) which is the
default calls package for Wholesale Line Rental (WLR) lines. See separate WLR
documentation on the Openreach website – http://www.openreach.co.uk (for
regulatory reasons BTW cannot include Openreach documentation within this
Wholesale Calls Line Independent (WCLI) is a calls only telephony product that
enables CPs to offer their own branded telephony service to their customers. It is
available on either a BT Retail line or a WLR line.
The Wholesale Calls Line Associated (WCLA) product is the default calls package
supplied with a WLR Line. However the WCLI variant can be applied to a WLR line
overriding the WCLA product as an additional call package option allowing CPs to
offer telephony services, but without operating their own network.
BTW will provide the CP with a monthly invoice, this will provide a detailed
breakdown of their WCLI call charges. The CP is responsible for setting its own retail
call charges and for onward billing to its EUs.
The Product Handbook aims to help the CP understand the procedures and
processes required for the provision of the WCLI product and the operational
management between the CP and BTW on a day to day basis. It refers where
appropriate to the WCLA product documentation.