Wholesale Calls Product Handbook v4.1
British Telecommunications plc Page 32 of 47
March 2009
Standard Notifications are as follows:
4.1 Line Change Notifications:
CPs can download their line change notifications via the portal. Retain notifications
are delivered via email. These will be available in the Line Change Notification file
which will be provided once daily.
4.1.1 Cease Notification
• This covers scenarios where an EU contacts the Line Provider directly,
requiring changes to their installation. E.g. Home Moving and
Discontinuing Service etc
• BT will analyse the request of the EU with respect to the Customer and
Installation records on CSS and changes will then be made directly on
• If an order is raised by a non Wholesale Calls CP then Wholesale Calls
will be removed, a Cease Notification is then generated and sent to the
• A file containing the notifications of pending orders provisioned to CLIs
that would cause the Wholesale Calls product to be removed will be
labelled as the Pending Cease Notifications in the unsolicited Notifications
4.1.2 Renumber Notification (number change)
• This covers scenarios where an EU with Wholesale Calls on their line
contacts their Line Provider to change their existing telephone number
• BT will analyse the request of the EU with respect to the Customer and
Installation records on CSS and changes will then be made directly on
• BTW will retain the Wholesale Calls product and any associated Call
Barring and send a Telephone Number Change Notification to CPs
detailing the old and new numbers along with the effective start date.
4.2 Advice of Transfer Notification
• As a part of validation for a Provide Order, BTW determines whether the EU
is currently taking their calls from another CP. If they are taking their calls
from a Wholesale Calls CP a Pending Cease notification is generated and
sent to the losing Wholesale Calls CP. At the CRD date the losing CP will be
sent an actual Cease notification
• As the losing CP receives an actual Cease, the gaining CP will receive an
order completion notification of the successful receipt of the EU.
4.3 Line Status Notifications
In addition to the current notifications files a ‘Line Status Notifications’ file will be
made available via email which will provide both pending and actual notifications for
the following scenarios: