Wholesale Calls Product Handbook v4.1
British Telecommunications plc Page 31 of 47
March 2009
Simultaneous Provision Process
3.12 WLR3 Novations
Wholesale Calls supports Openreach WLR3 novations between CPs. The process
for these novations is governed and set out by Openreach. Wholesale Calls have
worked with Openreach on this development to ensure, when requested Wholesale
Calls Line Independent is retained during the novation.
For further info on WLR3 Novations please refer to the Openreach website –
The process works by suppressing the WCLI cease notification and replacing it with
a WCLI retain notification. The retain notifications will be in the same format as the
existing retain notification and will be sent via email. The order type will be listed as
‘Novations’ and the status will be a pending or actual retain.