Dsposng of packagng
Packagng materals are dangerous to
chldren. Keep packagng materals n
a safe place away from reach of the
Package nformaton
Packagng materals of the product
are manufactured from recyclable
materals n accordance wth our
Natonal Envronment Regulatons.
Do not dspose of the packagng
materals together wth the domestc
or other wastes. Take them to the
packagng materal collecton ponts
desgnated by the local authortes.
Transportaton of the
If you need to move the product,
do t n uprght poston and hold
from the rear sde. Slantng the
product onto ts front sde may
cause the electronc parts n t get
wet and damaged.
1. Unplug the product before
transportng t.
2. Remove water dranage and
water supply connectons.
3. Dran the remanng water n the
product completely.
Complance wth the WEEE
Drectve and Dsposng of
the Waste Product:
Ths product comples wth EU
WEEE Drectve (2012/19/EU).
Ths product bears a
classfcaton symbol for waste
electrcal and electronc equpment
This product has been manufactured
with high quality parts and materials
which can be reused and are suitable
for recycling. Do not dispose of the
waste product with normal domestic
and other wastes at the end of its
service life. Take it to the collection
center for the recycling of electrical
and electronic equipment. Please
consult your local authorities to learn
about these collection centers.
Complance wth RoHS
The product you have purchased
complies with EU RoHS Directive
(2011/65/EU). It does not contain
harmful and prohibited materials
specied in the Directive.