Connecton to the dran
Water dscharge hose can drectly
be connected to the dran hole or
snk’s dranage. The length of ths
connecton must be mn. 50 cm and
max. 100 cm from the oor.
A dscharge hose longer than 4
meters causes drty washng.
Attach the water dscharge hose to
the dranppe wthout bendng t.
Tghtly fx the water dscharge hose
to the dranppe n order to prevent
any dslocaton of the water dscharge
hose durng operaton of the product.
C Dranppe must be connected to
the sewage system and t should
not be connected to any surface
sludge accumulation at the end of
Permtted water temperature: up
to 25°C
The dshwasher may not be
connected to open warm water
devces or ow-through water
• Do not use old or used water nlet
hose on the new product. Use the
new water nlet hose suppled
wth the product.
• Connect the water nlet hose
drectly to the water tap.
Pressure comng from the tap
should be mnmum 0.3 and
maxmum 10 bars. If the water
pressure exceeds 10 bars, a
pressure relef valve should be
nstalled n between.
C Use a screw-on hose connector to
connect the water nlet hose to a
water tap wth a ¾ nch external
thread. If requred, use a flter
nsert to flter deposts from the
• Open the taps completely after
makng the connectons to check
for water leaks.
A For your safety, close the water
nlet tap completely after the
washng programme s over.