Adjustng the feet
If the door of the product cannot
be closed properly or f the product
swngs when you push t slghtly,
then you need to adjust the feet
of the product. Adjust the feet of
the product as llustrated n the
nstallaton manual suppled wth the
(depends on the model)
Protect the Aquasafe+ system
aganst water leaks that may occur
at hose nlet. Water contact wth
the valve box of the system must
be prevented. Otherwse, electrcal
assembly wll get damaged. If the
Aquasafe system s damaged, unplug
the product and call the Authorsed
Servce Agent.
A As the hose set contains electrical
connections and assemblies,
never shorten or lengthen the
hose with extension hoses.
Electrcal connecton
Connect the product to a grounded
outlet protected by a fuse complyng
wth the values n the "Techncal
specfcatons" table. Manufacturer
shall not be lable for any damages
that wll arse when the product
s used wthout groundng n
accordance wth the local regulatons.
• Connecton must comply wth
natonal regulatons.
• Power cable plug must be wthn
easy reach after nstallaton.
A Unplug the product after the
washng programme s over.
• The voltage and allowed fuse or
breaker protecton are specfed
n the “Techncal specfcatons”
secton. If the current value of
the fuse or breaker n the house
s less than 16 Amps, have a
qualfed electrcan nstall a 16
Amp fuse.
• The specfed voltage must be
equal to your mans voltage.
• Do not make connectons va
extenson cables or mult-plugs.
B Damaged power cables must
be replaced by the Authorsed
Servce Agent.
B If the product has a falure, t
should not be operated unless
t s repared by the Authorsed
Servce Agent! There s the rsk of
electrc shock!
Intal use
Before startng to use the product,
make sure that all preparatons
are made n accordance wth the
nstructons n sectons "Important
safety nstructons" and "Installaton".
• To prepare the product to do the
dshes, perform frst operaton
n the shortest programme wth
detergent whle the machne s
empty. Durng the ntal use, fll
the salt reservor wth 1 ltre of
water pror to fllng t wth salt.
C Some water mght have remaned
n the product due to the
qualty control processes n the
producton. It s not harmful for
the product.