Section 19
Page 2 Issue 1
Before carrying out any work on the vehicle
electrical system disconnect the battery earth
1 Wiring diagrams with an appropriate key
showing the layout at the fuse box and
connectors for the car electrical system are
shown at Fig 1 and Fig 2. Fig 3 details engine
wiring layout.
2 It should be noted that 90% of electrical
problems are caused by poor earth connections.
If problems are experienced check the following
vehicle earth points in the first instance.
• Battery to starter motor bolt.
• Engine (block) to engine mount.
• Instrumentation to chassis (at the wiper
securing bolt under the dashboard).
• Rear lights to chassis (to rear wing securing
• Three way brake union in the engine bay.
• Headlamp earth and security of headlamp
mounting bracket.
• Engine loom to engine.
3 Ensure that all connections are correctly
orientated and are fitted together securely.
4 In the event of continuing problems
contact the factory.