30 - Testing Procedures
iPod photo
Finishing-up the Built-in Diagnostics Tests:
1. Skip the rest of the iPod Diagnostics tests (except for Reset):
• Power
• Status
• SysCfg
• Diskmode
2. Select Reset at the bottom of the Diagnostics screen to reset the iPod, OR...
3. Perform a hard drive scan (HDScan) now, if it was not performed earlier.
• Return to iPod Diagnostics > IO > HardDrive > HDScan to start the scan and
display the Read Verify Scan screen.
4. Reset the iPod:
• Press and hold the Select and Menu buttons simultaneously until the Apple icon
appears, to reset the iPod.
• Or, select Reset at the bottom of the iPod Diagnostics screen to reset the iPod.
Battery Life Test
• This test is only required for iPods which are reported having short battery life (less
than 12 hours playing time).
• For iPods returned during the 2nd year under APP (Apple Protection Plan), the testing
time is 7.5 hours.
Important: The start time of this test should be planned carefully to ensure that the iPod
will be checked at the times needed. The iPod is initially checked after 15 minutes, and
then it must be checked again in either 7.5 or 12 hours, depending on the required test.
1. Connect the iPod to the computer with the 6-pin FireWire cable and allow the iPod to
charge for 4.5 hours to fully charge the battery.
2. From the Settings menu, select Repeat > All (to play the playlist continuously). All
other settings are left unchanged (default settings).
3. Select and play the “iPod Testing” playlist. Record the start time on a piece of paper.
4. Set the Hold button to On, to prevent accidental button activation.
5. Let the iPod play for 15 minutes, then check the status of the iPod:
• If the iPod is still playing music, then recheck the iPod again at 7.5 or 12 hours,
depending on the required test.
6. If the iPod is still playing music when checked again at the specified time, the battery
is OK, and passes the test.
7. If the iPod stops playing because the battery depleted, then reject the iPod for short
battery life.