The ImageWriter
II printer is an improved version of the
ImageWriter. The following two lists discuss the new
features of the ImageWriter II and its differences from the
original ImageWriter.
New Features
ImageWriter II
Multiple Fonts
Draft—240 characters per second
Standard—180 characters per second
Near Letter Quality—25 characters per second
Auto Paper Load
Automatically loads paper when the form-feed button is
Color Capability
Provides color-option printing with a four-color ribbon.
Sheet Feeder
Accepts a single-bin sheet feeder.
Option Card
Will accept one of the two option cards available—the
AppleTalk card or the Expanded Buffer card.
The character set contains 32 special characters for use
on Apple II computers.
The printer automatically determines its operational mode
by checking to see if there is a color ribbon, a sheet
feeder, or an option card installed.
New DIP Switches
The Option Card Enable function is switch 2-4. The
Perforation Skip is switch 1-5.
/ Basics
rev. Aug 87 ImageWriter II