45 Chapter 3
3.5 Application Program Development
The PCM-7130 is bundled with built-in Windows CE operating system.
In real applications users need to execute various application programs on
it. However, unlike its other family the Windows CE is a hardware-
dependent operating system. That is to say, Windows CE application pro-
grams are only portable in the source code level. Users must rebuild the
runtime file for a different Windows CE platform even though the source
code may not be changed at all.
3.5.1 System requirements
• Intel Pentium-90 CPU or more advanced
• Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional or Windows NT Workstation 4.0
• Microsoft eMbedded Visual Tools 3.0
• Platform SDK for PCM-7130 (bundled in the standard PCM-7130)
• CD-ROM drive
• Monitor with VGA resolution at least
• Mouse
• 200MB free hard disk space at least
• Connection to the same LAN as the PCM-7130 if LAN is used for
development PCM-7130
• PCM-7130
• Connection to the same LAN as the host PC if LAN is used for devel-
• Null modem cable (bundled in the standard PCM-7130)
• USB cable (bundled in the standard PCM-7130)
3.5.2 Building Windows CE runtime
By the platform SDK bundled with the standard PCM-7130, users can
build the Windows CE runtime by the eMbedded Visual Tools.