PCM-7130 User’s Manual 48
[out] Long pointer to a variable that receives the size, in bytes, of the data
stored into the buffer pointed to by lpOutBuffer.
The lpBytesReturned parameter cannot be NULL. Even when an opera-
tion produces no output data, and lpOutBuffer can be NULL, the Device-
IoControl function makes use of the variable pointed to by
lpBytesReturned. After such an operation, the value of the variable is
without meaning.
[in] Ignored; set to NULL.
- Return Values
Nonzero indicates success. Zero indicates failure. To get extended error
information, call GetLastError.
There are 7 control codes for the operation codes in the WDT1 driver:
1. IOCTL_ENABLE_WDT (0x1001):
Enables the Watchdog timer on your application. Your application must
trigger to Watchdog timer by IOCTL_ACCESS_WDT interface during
specified period, otherwise the device will reboot automatically
lpInBuffer : unsed.
nInBufferSize: unused.
lpOutBuffer: unused.
nOutBufferSize: unused.
2. IOCTL_DISABLE_WDT (0x1002):
Disable the Watchdog time on your application.
lpInBuffer : unsed.
nInBufferSize: unused.
lpOutBuffer: unused.
nOutBufferSize: unused.
lpInBuffer :unused.
nInBufferSize: unused.
lpOutBuffer: the DWORD pointer to your Watchdog time setting. The
unit is mini-second. Its value should be greater 1000. The default setting
is 5000 mini-seconds.
nOutBufferSize: unused.