NOTE: In USA if the chase is enclosed or flashed to the
roof as shown in (Figure 9), then the flashing must be
If required by local codes, make certain that the walls
have been properly insulated, vapor sealed and
sheathed with a fire rated gypsum board (see Figure 9).
REMEMBER: Check local codes concerning installation
requirements and restrictions in your area.
A radiation shield must be placed where the chimney
passes through each floor level overhead. This will assist
in retarding any spread of fire and act to contain the fire
within the area below the radiation shield.
Maximum offset angle: 45°
Maximum number of elbows: 4, resulting in two
(2) offsets.
An elbow may be installed directly on top of the fireplace
if required.
Use the offset option if you need to clear a joist or pass
around a cupboard. Install the fireplace and chimney as
described earlier. When you require an elbow, proceed
as follows:
See the detailed offset chart in the EXCEL installation
1. Install the required elbow. Turn it in the desired direc-
tion, and fasten it to the other section with the 3 metal
screws provided at the joint.
2. Install enough lengths to obtain the desired offset.
Secure each joint with 3 metal screws.
3. Use another elbow to return the chimney to the verti-
cal direction.
4. Install a roof support, wall support, or an offset support
at each offset to support the weight of the flue (elbows
are not designed to support a flue above an offset).
The enclosure walls can be framed with any suitable
materials (2x4 or 2x6 studs, plywood, gypsum board,
etc.). Because of the high heat output potential of the
Opel AP, combustible material must NOT go closer to
the fireplace than the standoffs, top, back and sides.
If you like, framing can be set back to allow the facing to
be flush with the front of the fireplace.
Each top standoff has a notch where the gypsum board
can be inserted when finishing.
In front of each side standoff there is a gypsum board
bracket to lean the finishing wall on. Under no circum-
stance the gypsum board or finishing wall should be
placed below this bracket or notch line.
Install a 5" piece of sheet metal centered under the joint
between the fireplace and the hearth extension. This will
make certain that sparks cannot lodge in the crack and
start a fire. If you are preparing a raised installation, then
Page 14
Z-shaped spark guard for raised
installation must be custom supplied
by installer (minimum 26 gauge
Figure 10: Z-shaped spark guard
Raised platform
Opel AP
2 ft
10 ft.
12” min.
2” min. to
Radiation shield
and offset, roof
or wall support
Insulated firestop in
angle(30° or 45°)
Opel AP
In USA: Use vented flashing
In CANADA: Use Roof Radiation Shield (ERRS)
and a regular flashing
Figure 11: Offset chimney through a wall