Existing chimney installation:
If it is difficult to install rigid stainless on an existing chim-
ney, a listed stainless steel flex liner can be used. Special
care is to be taken when installing the flexible liner. A
positive connection is assured with the masonry adaptor
(FDM) available from your dealer. The stainless steel flex
liner connects to the masonry adaptor with a flexible/rigid
adaptor (LAF) and is secured with the 3 stainless steel
rivets provided. The masonry adaptor is then secured to
the Excel chimney with the 3 screws provided. The stain-
less steel liner fits inside the clay liner all the way to the
top of the masonry chimney. It is not meant to replace the
clay liner. After mortaring in place, the connection should
not be visible. Care must be taken when cleaning to
ensure that the stainless steel flex liner is not dislodged.
As depicted in (Figure 7), the EXCEL chimney is to be a
minimum of 18" from the connection point at the elbow to
the masonry adaptor. The uppermost part of the metal
chimney where it enters the masonry chimney must be a
minimum of 12 inches from the ceiling.
1. Sight-in and mark the outline of where the factory-
built chimney will penetrate the masonry chimney.
2. Using a large (3/4" - 2") masonry drill bit, drill a hole
exactly in the center of the oval outline. With a
masonry hammer and drill, slowly enlarge the hole to
the size required. Remember to work from the center
out. Be especially careful with the clay liner behind
the brick because three sides of it must stay in place.
3. Bring the stainless steel liner down from the top of the
chimney. If you are using a rigid liner you will need
enough room to secure an elbow to it with at least two
screws. For chimneys with less than 10" X 10" inside
you may find it easier to install a flex liner and secure
the end with a special adapter (LAF) available from
your dealer.
4. Move the fireplace forward enough to install the
length of EXCEL chimney then move the fireplace
back into position as you connect the masonry adap-
tor to the EXCEL chimney.
If the chimney runs up the outside of the house, it must
be enclosed in a chase structure. It is best to locate the
chase away from any overhead obstructions and meet all
clearances from such objects. The chase should be con-
structed in such a way that it is an extension of the home.
It should be well insulated between the footings and the
floor of the home to prevent heat loss. If the climate in
your area is mild, insulate the chase at least to the first
fire-stop. If the climate in your area is very cold, insulate
the chase to the top to keep the flue warmer, to increase
the draft, and reduce creosote buildup.
Page 13
10 ft
2 ft
Storm collar
12” min.
Chase liner of fire rated gypsum
board is recommended (may be
required by local authorities)
Fire stop, joist radiation shield
2” min.
to com-
Figure 9: Chimney installation with chase enclosure
Use vented flashing
Use Roof Radiation
Shield (ERRS) and a
regular flashing
Opel AP
Use offset
3 metal
screws in
each joint
Radiation shield
Figure 8: Offset chimney installation
Storm collar