KDS EZFlow 2040
Warnings and Precautions (Continued)
19) Do not clean, disinfect or sterilize any part of the pump with ethylene oxide
gas or by autoclaving. This may damage the pump and will void the warran-
ty; disinfect the pump’s external parts only, using approved cleansers or
20) These chemicals may damage the pump’s front panel: acetaldehyde, ace-
tone, ammonia, benzene, hydroxytoluene, methylene chloride, or ozone. Do
not use those chemicals or cleansers containing n-alkyldimethylbenzylammo-
nium chloride.
21) Portable and mobile rf communications equipment can affect this infusion
pump. If this pump does not appear to be working normally try to relocate or
reorient the pump.
22) The use of non-recommended accessories may result in increased emc emis-
sions or decreased emc immunity of this infusion pump.
23) When using this infusion pump with life-sustaining medications, ensure there
are backup pumps and infusion sets.
24) The tube placed on peristalic part of the pump could be altered after 24
hours running; it’s suggested replacing the iv set or change the tube area
placed on the pump’s peristalic part to ensure accurate infusion.
Protective Ground
Refer to Manual