CHAP4N.DOC Concept Vehicle Final Report: Phase II
Table 4-3 Names, addresses, and phone numbers of private sector participants (cont.)
Company Contact
Voice Fax E-Mail
Tyler Ice
PO Box 249
East Highway 12
Benson, MN 56215-0249
Dave Gelhar (800) 328-9128
(320) 843-3333
(320) 843-2467 (N/A)
Wired Rite Systems
5468 Skylane Boulevard
Santa Rosa, CA 95403-1084
Dave Rhodes
Chuck Lamb
(800) 538-7483
(707) 545-7474
(800) 525-7483
(707) 545-7475
ISU Research Park
2625 N Loop Drive Suite 2100
Ames, IA 50010-8615
Duane Smith
Jeff Zogg
Karen Giese
(515) 294-8103 (515) 294-0467
A user manual containing documentation for operating and troubleshooting the advanced
technologies was produced for the prototype vehicles. Each of the three consortium state DOTs
received a user manual specific to its uniquely configured vehicle, and a master manual for all
technologies used on the vehicles is on file at CTRE.
A form was developed for DOT personnel to document problems, repairs, and maintenance
performed on each prototype vehicle. In addition, telephone interviews were conducted with
vehicle operators to ascertain equipment performance. Information from the interviews was
documented, providing a record of users’ reactions. The results are provided in Chapter 15.
CTRE documented equipment performance during actual winter operating conditions during
1997-1998 and established modified system requirements for Phase III. Suggested modifications
are discussed in Chapter 16.
The Iowa, Michigan, and Minnesota DOTs assigned their respective prototype vehicle to a
specific maintenance route for the winter 1997-1998. Figures 4-2, 4-3, and 4-4 contain
descriptions and maps of the vehicle routes in Iowa, Minnesota, and Michigan, respectively.