744-862-C0-003 Rev.C
Engine Control Module (ECM)
Power Node/ECM Certification
Power Node Location___________Node____________ Model#____________
Technician______________Date ____________ Serial #___________
Ignition Battery Check
(Record Results)
Verify correct Ignition Battery and Charger cables attachment ........................ Pass / Fail
Verify Battery Terminal surfaces clean, tight, and covered with
approved corrosion inhibitor (NCP-2) ........................................................... Pass / Fail
Battery Voltage Range 12.5-14.1Vdc............................................................ Actual= _____
Battery Charger LED is OFF when charge reaches 14.1V
and ON when discharge reaches 13.1V *See note 1 ................................. Pass / Fail
Verify Enclosure Fan Running? *See note 2.............................................. Pass / Fail
ECM Interface Checks
Line sense Voltage. *See note 3 .................................................................. Actual = ________
Line sense Frequency Range 60Hz +/- 1Hz. ....................................................... Actual = ________
Verify all connectors correctly installed and locked into place................................... Pass / Fail
Run-Auto-Stop (RAS) rocker switch set to Auto. *See note 4 ............................ Pass / Fail
Verify Pad Shear Magnet is correctly installed. ....................................................... Pass / Fail
Verify Gas Detector is correctly installed. .............................................................. Pass / Fail
Verify Water Intrusion sensor is correctly installed. ................................................ Pass / Fail
ECM Alarm Verification
ECM has “Heart Beat”? *See note 5 ............................................................... Pass / Fail
Verify no Major alarms are reported. ............................................................... Pass / Fail
Verify the only Minor alarm reported is “Tamper” (Enclosure Door Open). ................ Pass / Fail
Water Intrusion Sensor (Hold float up to activate major alarm)................................ Pass / Fail
Pad Shear Sensor
(Place metal object between sensors to activate major alarm)...................
Pass / Fail
Gas Detector
(Use a cloth moistened with Isopropyl alcohol to active major alarm). ...............
Pass / Fail
Verify Line Failure Notification by disconnecting Line Sense. *See Note 6 ........... Pass / Fail
Verify DC Bus Fault alarm by disconnecting Battery Sense. *See Note 7........... Pass / Fail
Generator Functional Verification
(Record Results)
Verify oil clean and filled to capacity. ............................................................... Pass / Fail
Verify air filter clean and installed. ............................................................... Pass / Fail
Verify no oil leakage from oil filter, drain plug, and oil fill tube. ................................ Pass / Fail
Perform one minute self-test. *See note 4 ....................................................... Pass / Fail
Engine does not “hunt” excessively during idle/no load conditions. ........................... Pass / Fail
Enclosure properly grounding. ............................................................... Pass / Fail
Power Supply Verification
XMS2 Power Supply checked per section 5 of the operator’s manual ........................ Pass / Fail
Battery pack voltage (no load, generator off) range.
*See note 8, note 9 ............................................................... Actual =________
Battery Terminals clean, tight, and covered with approved
corrosion inhibitor (NCP-2). ............................................................... Pass / Fail
Service Entrance, Enclosure, and Power Supply grounded properly........................... Pass / Fail
Successful completion of 10 minute Self-test......................................................... Pass / Fail
No Major or Minor alarms reported on XMS2 Smart Display. .................................... Pass / Fail
1. Some older 5kW chargers do not have an LED.
2. During initial installation, the fan will completely discharge the ignition battery if utility power is not
3. The ECM can be configured for 120 or 240 VAC line sense. Refer to Section 4.4 of the ECM Manual for details.
4. Each time the RAS switch is placed in Auto, a one minute self-test is performed.
5. ECM’s built after 12/99 use a flashing SYS LED in lieu of the COM LED for the “Heart Beat”.
6. The generator will not start unless a line failure is greater then 10 minutes.
7. The generator will start immediately and run for a minimum of 30 minutes (Use RAS to stop Gen).
8. The difference between any battery in the string should not exceed 0.3 Vdc under load (XMS2 self-test).
9. Typical battery pack voltage ranges are 39.6-42.3Vdc, 52.8-56.4Vdc, and 105.6-112.8Vdc for 36/48/96 volt
systems, respectively.
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