Dil ID: 1
Dil Adı: english
Dil Kodu: en1 White Knight Brand's Products
Dünyanın En Büyük
Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

D ispo se o f the d is hwas her pac kagi ng m aterial c orre ctl y.
All pa ckaging mate rials ca n be r ec y cled.
Pl ast ic pa rts a re m ark ed w ith t he st and ard i nternati onal a bbr eviations:
PE fo r polyethylen e, e .g. s hee t wra ppin g m aterial
PS for polysty rene, e.g. padding material
PO M polyox ymethylene, e.g. pla stic c lips
PP pol ypr opy lene, e.g . Sa lt fill er
AB S Acrylo nitri le Bu tadiene Sty rene, e.g . Co ntro l Pa nel .
Packaging material could be dangerous for children!
Fo r di spos ing of pa ckage a nd th e a ppli ance ple ase go to a re cyc ling cen tre. Ther efor e cut
off the powersupply cable and mak e the door closing device unusable.
Cardboard packaging is manufactured from recycled paper and should be disposed in the
w aste paper c ollecti on f or r ecycling .
By ensurin g th is pr oduct i s dispo sed of corr ect ly, you wil l hel p pre ven t po tent ial n egative
con se que nces f or t he envi ronm ent a nd hum an h eal t h, w hich cou ld ot her wise be caus ed
by inappropriate waste handling of this product.
Fo r m ore de ta iled infor mat ion a bout rec ycling o f this prod uc t, pl ease con tac t your loc al
ci ty office and your ho useho ld w ast e dispos al se rvic e.
DISPOSAL : Do not dis pose th is pr oduct as unsort ed m unicipal wa ste . C ollect ion of such
waste sep arately for spec ial tr eatment is n eces sary.