Dil ID: 1
Dil Adı: english
Dil Kodu: en1 White Knight Brand's Products
Dünyanın En Büyük
Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

222 kWh
0. 77 kWh
0. 4 W
2940 litres
160 m in
82 cm
44.5 cm
54 cm
1760- 2100 W
Shee t of hous eho ld d ish was her a ccor di ng to EU D irective 1 059 /20 10:
M anu fac tu rer
Ty pe / Des crip tion
Standard place settings
Energy ef f i cie n cy cl a s s
Annual energy consumption
Energy c onsumptio n o f t h e standa rd c l eanin g c ycle
Po we r consum ptio n of off-m ode
Po we r consum ptio n of l eft- on m ode
Annual wa ter consumption
Dryin g ef f icie ncy c lass
St and ard clea ning cyc le
Pr ogra m d urat ion of t he sta ndar d c leaning c ycl e
Noise level
De pt h (w i th c onnect o r s)
Po we r con su mptio n
Rated voltage / frequency
A + + + (hi ghest effici ency) to D (lo west effic iency)
Ener gy consumpti on 222 kWh per y ear, bas ed o n 28 0 stan dard c lea ning c ycles using cold wat er fill a nd
th e co nsump ti on of t he low pow er m ode s. Act ual en erg y co nsumptio n will dep end on how the appliance is used.
Water con sumption 2940 li tres p er y ea r, b ased o n 28 0 stand ard c lean ing cycl es.Act ual w ater con sumption
wi ll de pe nd on how t he appliance is use d.
A (highest efficiency) to G ( lowest e ffici ency)
This progr am i s suitab le for cleani ng normal ly soi led t ableware a nd is the
most effici ent pr ogramme in t erms of it s combi ned energ y an d water consu mp tion fo r
t hat t ype of ta bl e wa re.
The d evice me et s the Eur opean s tandards and t he direc tives in t he c urrent versi on at de livery :
- LVD 20 06/95/EC
- EMC2004/108/EC
- EUP 2009/ 12 5/E C
The a bove values have be en m ea sured in acc ordance w ith s ta ndards und er spe cified operat ing c onditions .
Resul ts m ay vary grea tly a ccording to q uantity and pollu tion of the dishes, w ater hard ness,
amou nt of deterg ent, e tc.
The m an ual i s based on the Eur opean U nion's st and ar ds a nd ru les.
Technical Data Sheet
ECO 50
49 dB(A ) re 1 pW
220- 240 V~ 50 H z
Water pressu re (flow p ressure)
0.4-10 bar = 0.04-1 MPa
Could be built-in
buil d u nd er