The Limited Warranty, in its entirety, appears on
the warranty registration card and is included at
the end of this chapter. We have made every
effort to simplify our warranty so that it may be
easily understood. However, if you have any
questions regarding the warranty please don’t
hesitate to contact us.
Wellcraft Marine Corp.
Attn: Customer Service
1651 Whitfield Avenue
Sarasota, FL 34243
Phone: (941) 753-7811
NOTE: There are items which are not cover
by this warranty, including:
• Incidental and consequential damages (stor-
age charges, telephone or rental charges of
any type, inconvenience or loss of time or
• Damage caused by neglect, lack of mainte-
nance, accident, abnormal operation,
improper installation or service.
• Haul-out, launch and towing charges.
• Transportation charges and/or travel time to
and from a repair facility.
• Travel time to customer’s home or marina.
• Service requested by customer other than
that necessary to satisfy the warranty obli-
• Oils, lubricants or fluids used in normal
• Air freight, next-day or second-day air, or any
special delivery fees unless pre-approved.
• Gelcoat cracking, yellowing, crazing or blis-
tering, plexiglas, canvas, vinyl or tape
unless noted on equipment check off list at
time of delivery.
• Engines, drive trains, controls, props, batter-
ies, or other equipment or accessories
carrying their own individual warranties.
• It is important to note that on many of the
components in our boats, i.e. stoves, refrig-
erators, generators, trim tabs, etc., the
warranties are extended by the component
manufacturer. (Most component manufactur-
ers repair or replace the defective
component if it is returned to them.) The
customer is responsible for all travel time,
freight, or postage costs. We will pay for the
cost to remove and replace the component.
• Engines, parts or accessories not installed
by Wellcraft Marine Corp.
• Plexiglas windscreen breakage, rainwater
leakage through convertible tops, minor gel-
coat discoloration, cracks, crazing, or air
• Windshield and canvas top leakage: A cer-
tain amount of leakage can occur at the
fasteners and at the stitching.
• Minor gelcoat discoloration or chalking may
occur if regular washing and waxing has
been neglected. Proper care of the gelcoat
finish is the responsibility of the owner.
• Hull blisters that form below the waterline:
Osmosis blistering is not covered by our lim-
ited warranty. The phenomenon is most
likely to occur in warm, fresh water. How-
ever, it can also occur in saltwater. Any boat
left in the water for any period of time is
susceptible. Nearly all the marine bottom
paint manufacturers today offer coatings
that help protect the hull against osmosis
blistering. We highly recommend that you
add a protective coating to your hull.
• Normal deterioration, i.e. wear, tear, or cor-
rosion of hardware, vinyl tops, vinyl and
fabric upholstery, plastic, metal, wood, or
trim tape.
• Hardware: Metal hardware that has rusted
or pitted will not be replaced under warranty.
You should keep this hardware clean and
wiped down with a light oil (WD40).
• Vinyl tops: Wellcraft does not warrant dam-
age that might occur when a boat is being
towed on a trailer with the top up, and does
not warrant shrinkage, mildew, or other nor-
mal deterioration.
• Any boat used for commercial purposes:
This includes boats used for charter pur-
poses or time-share.
• Any defect caused by failure of the customer
to provide reasonable care and maintenance.