Congratulations on your new boat and welcome
to the Wellcraft family. We want you to receive
the most enjoyment possible from your new
boat, and the more you know about it, the eas-
ier that will be.
It is important that you take the time to read
this entire manual prior to taking your boat out
for the first time. Also read all literature sup-
plied with your boat by the manufacturers of the
various components and accessories which are
used on your boat. In particular, you want to
become familiar with operating your engine. This
owner’s manual does not supersede or change
any of the original manufacturers’ specifica-
tions, operation or maintenance instructions.
If you are new to boating, you may not be famil-
iar with some common boating terms. Figure
1.1 lists some of these terms and identifies
their meaning in relation to a typical boat.
Review and train yourself and your family in safety,
emergency and operating procedures. Pay close
attention to all highlighted safety warnings, cau-
tions and hazards, and remember that along with
the freedom and fun of a powerboat, comes the
responsibility for the safety of your passengers,
other boaters and the environment which we all
share. We recommend that you read the boating
literature published by your state boating agency
and the U.S. Coast Guard. Other suggested read-
ing can be found later in this section.
Also, take the time to know your boat. Look it
over, walk around in it, locate the different com-
ponents, gauges, and operating equipment and
figure out how to use them before you go out on
the water. This familiarity allows for a much
safer and smoother boating experience.
All our boats meet or exceed the construction
standards set by the U.S. Coast Guard and the
American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) con-
• Navigational lights
• Factory installed fuel systems
• Engine and fuel tank compartment
• Flotation
• Steering systems
• Backfire flame arresters
Most Wellcraft models have also been certified
to carry the CE mark. The CE mark certifies that
the boat meets relevant parts of the European
Directive for Recreational Craft 94/25/EC of the