For such a small country, we’ve produced more than our share of creative talent. That’s
because we know that to be truly creative, you’ve got to believe in yourself and do things
the way you know they should be done, regardless of what others are doing.
Take our seats. In the early 1960s, we consulted with a team of orthopaedic surgeons at Chalmers
University of Technology in Gothenburg. They wondered why a group of car designers wanted to
see them. Nobody had thought to ask an orthopaedic surgeon’s advice when designing a car seat
before. But the ergonomic seat designs we developed as a result have made our cars world-famous
for their outstanding long-distance comfort.
Like all Scandinavian craftsmen, we use only the best materials for the job, like the ultra-strong
boron steel in our safety cages. We use natural, authentic materials inside our cars – not because
they’re fashionable this season, but because they make you feel good when you touch them and
they’re better for your health.
Creating a beautiful experience for you is natural for us. Because in Sweden, great design is a
way of life, not a luxury.