literal Alphanumeric beginning with a letter, optionally including an asterisk,
period, colon, or slash, and not enclosed in single quotes.
load To enter data into storage or working registers.
location Place in which data can be stored.
log Collection of messages or message segments placed on an auxiliary
storage device for accounting or data collection purposes.
logical page In the Xerox printing systems environment, a formatted page that is
smaller than the physical page. A logical page is defined by an origin,
thus allowing more than one logical page to be placed on a physical
logo Small illustration or design, usually simple, typically used to identify
a company.
log off Procedure by which a user ends a session.
log on Procedure by which a user begins a session between an application
program and a logical unit.
magnetic media Term for all storage devices, such as disks, diskettes, and tape, on
which data is stored in the form of magnetized spots on surface of the
magnetic storage Use of magnetic media to store data, programs, and so on.
magnetic tape Flexible plastic tape, with one side offering a magnetic surface
suitable for storing computer data in the form of magnetized spots.
Magnetic tape is often used for long-term storage since it can
accommodate large volumes of information.
mainframe Central processing unit (CPU) and memory of a large computer.
More often used to denote any large computer of the type that might
be used to control a group of smaller computers, terminals, or other
devices. See also host.
margins White space on each side of printed text.
mask 1. Selection of bits from a storage unit by using an instruction that
eliminates the other bits in the unit. 2. In accessing files, a file name
mask is used to reference one or more files with similar file-id
(identifier) syntax. 3. In Interpress, a mask serves as a template,
indicating the shape and position of an object on a page.
MB megabyte. Unit of one million bytes.