input processing Formatting control for the pages of a report.
insert To add text or graphics to a document.
interface Device by which two systems connect and communicate with each
interpolation Series of logical rules implemented in the printer to convert a 300 spi
input video stream to a 600 spi output video stream. Interpolation is
functionally analogous to bit doubling (2x scaling), except the logical
rules result in superior output.
Interpress Xerox standard that defines digital representation of lines for printing.
Interpress documents can be printed on any sufficiently powerful
printer equipped with Interpress print software.
Interpress font utility (IFU) program Program used to convert FIS fonts to LPS fonts.
Interpress master File written according to the Interpress standard.
IPL initial program load. For the optional open-reel tape drive, the internal
initialization sequence whereby certain functions are loaded into
random access memory (RAM).
JDE job descriptor entry. Collection of job descriptions. See also job; JSL.
JDL job descriptor library. Collection of compiled job descriptions. See
also JSL.
job 1. Set of instructions (JDEs) defining a unit of work for the system. 2.
In setting a separation boundary through the Bin Full Criteria task, job
refers to everything printed as the result of a single start command.
See also JDE.
job concatenation mode In HIP, a mode in which multiple print jobs are processed as reports
in one print job. See also concatenate.
job control Program called into storage to prepare each job or job step to be run.
job management Collective functions of job scheduling and command processing.
JSL job source library. Collection of uncompiled job descriptions. See
also job; JDE; and JDL.
keyboard Group of alphabetic, numeric, and/or function keys used to enter
information into a system.
keyword Required part of a command. See also operator command.