The rows of prongs in the lower basket can
be adjusted flat to load pots, pans and
Cutlery basket
Warning! Do not put long-bladed
knives in a vertical position. Arrange
long and sharp cutlery horizontally in
the upper basket. Be careful with sharp
Use the cutlery grid for best washing re-
sults. If the dimensions of the cutlery pre-
vent the use of the cutlery grid, you can re-
move it.
Put forks and spoons with the handles
Put knives with the handles up.
Mix spoons with other cutlery to prevent
them nesting together.
Upper basket
The upper basket is for plates (maximum
24 cm in diameter), saucers, salad bowls,
cups, glasses and lids. Arrange the items to
let water touch all surfaces.
Prevent to put plates in the first three
sectors in the front part of the basket.
Make sure the plates tilt forward.
Put glasses with long stems in the cup
racks with the stems up. For longer items,
fold the cup racks up.
8 westinghouse