certification labels attached to the driver's door opening and on the left wheel housing in the engine
compartment. For further information please contact your dealer.
pg. 3 Seatbelts: "Something We Believe In"
Despite our strongest recommendations, and your best intentions, not wearing a seat belt is like
believing "It'll never happen to me!". Volvo urges you and all adult occupants of your car to wear seat
belts and ensure that children are properly restrained, using an infant, car or booster seat determined by
age, weight and height.
Fact: In every state and province, some type of child-restraint legislation has been passed. Additionally,
most states and provinces have already made it mandatory for occupants of a car to use seat belts.
So, urging you to "buckle up" is not just our recommendation - legislation in your state or province may
mandate seat belt usage. The few seconds it takes to buckle up may one day allow you to say, "It's a
good thing I was wearing my seat belt".
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