pg. 4
pg. 6
Instruments, switches and controls
pg. 27
Body and interior
pg. 47
Starting and driving
pg. 67
Wheels and tires
pg. 71
In case of emergency
pg. 91
Car care
pg. 99
Service and routine maintenance
pg. 121
You should be familiar with the information in the first three chapters before you operate the car.
Information contained in the balance of the manual is extremely useful and should be studied after
operating the vehicle for the first time.
The manual is structured so that it can be used for reference. It should thus be kept in the car for ready
All information, illustrations and specifications contained in this manual are based on the latest product
information available at the time of publication. Volvo reserves the right to make model changes at any
time, or to change specifications or design, without notice and without incurring obligation.
pg. 2 This manual deals with the operation and care of your Volvo
Welcome to the world-wide family of Volvo owners. We trust that you will enjoy many years of safe
driving in your Volvo, an automobile designed with your safety and comfort in mind. To help ensure
your satisfaction with this vehicle, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the equipment
descriptions, operating instructions and maintenance requirements/recommendations in this manual. We
also urge you and your passengers to wear seat belts at all times in this (or any other) automobile. And,
of course, please do not operate a vehicle if you may be affected by alcohol, medication or any
impairment that could hinder your ability to drive.
Your Volvo is designed to meet all applicable safety and emission standards, as evidenced by the