PC Card are automatically configured.
At the end of the setup you will have the option to print or save to a file the
network name and security settings.
Connect your PC Card to any wireless router or access point manually
Windows Vista
You must use Windows to create a wireless connection.
1. Right-click the configuration utility in the system tray and select Connect
Using Wizard.
2. If the wireless network is listed, double-click it to connect. If prompted, enter
the Security Key/Passphrase for the wireless network.
3. If the wireless network is not listed:
A. Click Set up a connection or network.
B. Select Manually connect to a wireless network.
C. Click Next and follow the on-screen instructions to create a network
profiles and connect. You may need the Network name, Security type,
Encryption type and Security Key/Passphrase for the router or access
Windows XP and 2000
1. Right click the configuration icon in the system tray and select Open Utility.
2. Pull down the Add menu and select Use Wizard.
3. If the wireless network is broadcasting its network name, it will be displayed.
Select it from the list, click Next, and enter the wireless security settings, if
4. If the wireless network is not broadcasting its network name, it will not be
displayed. Click Connect to a nonbroadcasting network, enter the net-
work name and, if necessary, enter the wireless security settings.
5. Click OK.
In the Wireless Networks screen, you can also pull down the Add menu and
select Use Utility (advanced network) to open the full configuration utility.