List of abbreviations
C.1 Abbreviations
Operating Instructions, 04/2009, A5E02414743-01
Abbreviation Term Meaning
HD Hard disk Hard disk
HDA High Definition Audio
HDD Hard Disk Drive HDD
HU Height unit
HMI Human Machine Interface User interface
HORM Hibernate Once - Resume Many
HT Hyper-Threading
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language Script language for creating Internet pages.
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol Protocol for data transfer on the Internet
Hardware Hardware
I/O Input/Output Data input/output on computers
IAA Intel Application Accelerator
IDE Integrated Device Electronics
IEC International Electronical Commission
IGD Integrated Graphics Device
IP Ingress Protection Degree of protection
IR Infrared Infrared
IRDA Infrared Data Association Standard for data transfer via IR module
IRQ Interrupt Request Interrupt request
ISA Industry Standard Architecture Bus for expansion modules
ITE Information Technology Equipment
L2C Level 2 cache
LAN Local Area Network Computer network that is limited to a local area.
LCD Liquid Crystal Display Liquid crystal display
LEDs Light Emitting Diode Light emitting diode
LPT Line Printer Printer port
LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling
LW Drive
MAC Media access control Media access control
MC Memory Card Memory card in credit card format
MLFB Machine-readable product designation
MMC Micro Memory Card Memory card of the format 32 mm x 24.5 mm
MPI Multipoint-capable interface for
programming devices
MS-DOS Microsoft Disc Operating System
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MUI Multilanguage User Interface Language localization in Windows
NA Not Applicable
NAMUR Normenarbeitsgemeinschaft for Mess- und
Regelungstechnik in der chemischen
Industrie (standardization body for
instrumentation and control technology in
the chemicals industry)