Operating Instructions, 04/2009, A5E02414743-01
List of abbreviations
C.1 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Term Meaning
AC Alternating current Alternating current
ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power
PLC Programmable controller
AGP Accelerated Graphics Port High speed bus system
AHCI Advanced Host Controller Interface Standardized controller interface for SATA
devices. This is supported in Microsoft
Windows XP as of SP1 and IAA driver.
APIC Advanced Programmable Interrupt
Extended programmable interrupt controller
APM Advanced Power Management Tool for monitoring and reducing power
consumption of the PC
AS Automation system
ASIS After Sales Information System
AT Advanced Technology
ATA Advanced Technology Attachment
ATX AT-Bus-Extended
AWG American Wire Gauge US standard for the cable diameter
BIOS Basic Input Output System Basic Input Output System
CAN Controller Area Network
CD-ROM Compact Disc – Read Only Memory Removable storage medium for large data
CD-RW Compact Disc – Rewritable Rewritable CD
CE Communauté Européenne (CE symbol) The product is in conformance with all applicable
EC directives
CF Compact Flash
CGA Color Graphics Adapter Standard monitor interface
CLK Clock pulse Clock signal for controllers
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide
Complementary metal oxide semiconductors
COA Certificate of authentication Microsoft Windows Product Key
CoL Certificate of License License authorization
COM Communications Port Term for the serial interface
CP Communication Processor Communication computer